A Step Forward
Counseling & Consulting, LLC

Warning Signs
Sometimes people who who are thinking of taking their life give clues known as suicide warning signs. Warning signs are indicators that someone is experiencing distress. If someone you know is showing one or more of the following behaviors consider asking the question "Are you thinking of suicide"?
Talking or Posting on Social Media about:​
Killing themselves
Not wanting to be a burden
Feeling hopeless or trapped
Sudden Relief or Happiness
Increased Drug or Alcohol Use
Withdrawing from Family, Friends, Social Events, Work
Sleeping too little
Sleeping too much
Saying Goodbye
Giving Away Possessions
Risk Factors
Risk Factors are conditions which increase the risk that a person may attempt to take their life. Some risk factors include:
Mental Health Conditions - Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia,
Substance Use
Recent Injury
Serious Health Concerns/Conditions
Traumatic Brain Injury
Access to Lethal Means - Firearms, Drugs
Life stressors - Divorce, Financial Crisis, Bullying, Unemployment, Harassment, Assaults, Domestic Violence, Inter-personal Violence, Relationship Troubles
Life Transitions - Retirement, losing a job
Previous Suicide Attempts
Childhood Abuse, Neglect or Trauma
Family History of Suicide
Exposure to Someone Else's Suicide
If you or a loved one are experiencing thoughts of suicide or are in a crisis please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741