A Step Forward
Counseling & Consulting, LLC

Military Courses
At a Step Forward Counseling and Consulting, LLC we recognize the sacrifice it takes to serve in the uniformed services. Military members execute at top performance everyday. In order to maintain optimum levels of performance, members need to engage in activities which support resilience!
Our trainings are engaging, interactive, and are based on resiliency (coping strategies) skills and positive psychology. All trainings are tailored to address service specific needs and training requirements.
Trainings Offered
Suicide Prevention
Resiliency Training
Stress Management
Victim Advocate Training
Resiliency for Leadership

First Responder Courses
First responders such as police, EMT's, and firefighters put their lives on the line everyday to protect and serve our communities. A Step Forward Counseling and Consulting, LLC offers comprehensive resiliency based trainings designed to enhance focus and to reduce symptoms associated with the chronic stressors first responders face.
Trainings Offered
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Prevention
Stress Management
Suicide Prevention
Resiliency Training
Compassion Fatigue